Rocio Gomez Post #1



         The presenters and their PowerPoint were great. I would say everyone great for being the first time we presented during this course. Each of them had their own unique ways to present and had different slides on each PowerPoint. Whether they took hours or minutes to create their PowerPoint it was amazing. We had 12 chapters + Appendix to cover and read and present it. Each chapter had about 3-2 people to learn the information and come up with slides to add to their group presentation. I truly believe everyone did such an outstanding job. The way everyone went in depth with their slides and had the right information to present it. Even if they were nervous, they did awesome job.


             The professor had requirements for how to present and the outline of the PowerPoint. What I’ll say is that everyone did what she expected us to do. Every PowerPoint was different there was never a PowerPoint with the same outline. They had different colors, graph, outline but never the same. We had to learn about preparing presentation, selecting, and arranging content, types of presentation and then present to our peers. I had I have never been the fan to present in front of people, But I have overcome this problem little by little. I’m hoping to achieve this with this course to have more confidence in myself. This speech class will definitely help me and my peers to gain confidence in us to present in big crowds. While presenting Professor Sinkoff was engaged with the presenter telling how of a great job they did, and she gave positive comments to everyone. Which I think help us to not be nervous and appreciate her comments and her. Every Group had a leader which I think was helpful, they helped us be on track and get things in order. The leaders were always on track to submit the assignment and know if we completed it.  I was in Group 3, and everything went very smoothly. Everyone was on track and knew what need to be done. Our group leader let us choose what chapters we wanted to work on. She was nice and made everything simply and easy. Our members in group 3 were friendly and worked hard for the PowerPoint and got everything in time. I got to choose appendix and had two other girls help me with this part. I never once had to tell them to be on track, they did everything they needed to do for their part. I had a nice experience with them.


              In group 1 they had to cover chapter 1-4 they went in depth with preparing your first presentation. Tips for planning your presentation such as including gathering materials, reviewing the assignment expectations, accumulating information, organizing, practice. Another thing they went over the common types of first presentation. Which I didn’t know about and found interesting, there is impromptu presentation, presenting yourself, presenting a classmate, and presenting to demonstrate. Each topic they talked or showed was something new I learned about that day. They showed to keep an audience engaged and to learn about the audience as well. To make observations and consider your group identification.


           In group 2 they went over chapter 5-9 within these chapter they explain the benefits from researching and finding the sources of information. Also, to evaluate the sources of information to the PowerPoint or presentation. Research is a key aspect of the invention process where ideas are formulated. This group showed videos which I think help me understand better. Unfortunately, we weren’t able to watch all the videos they provided but I will definitely watch them later and get a better view of these chapters. They gave ways to prepare outlines and how to be organized and form a formal sentence outline. Also, how to emphasize main point when presenting. Each chapter had their different topics with videos that help the presenter and the audience as well. I definitely think next time I make PowerPoint and have to present I will input videos that will help my audience understand better.

             In group 3 which was my group we all did an amazing job just like every group. We had chapters 10-12 + appendix each person had the choice to pick any chapter. I think that was the best choice since they could pick something they knew they would excel on it. As a presenter we keep the audience engaged into the PowerPoint, so they don’t lose interest. My group learned how to communicate with one another and help one another when we needed it.  I learned the types of persuasive presentations and the types of presentation there is. I worked on the appendix chapter I talked about the types of presentation and group productivity. Group presentation involve more risk because members must rely on one another to get individual tasks accomplished. But in our case, we didn’t we all were on track and did everything we needed to do. I believe everyone did an amazing job I know the pressure and scary presenting can be. Everyone did what they were supposed to do and nailed it. I was nervous in presenting just like i think my peers were as well. It was such a great experience knowing that I presented and gave it my all. I enjoyed listening to each of my peers and knowing what they have also learned and create their own PowerPoint to demonstrate what they learnt. I know I will use what I learn from the presenter and use it for the future to better my presentation.  Also, to not mention the support of the professor and her support she gave to me and my whole class. I cannot wait to know what else we will be learning from each other and the way our presentation will be better over time from the benefit of this class.  This class will definitely help me grow confidence and achieve what I want to overcome the nervousness of presenting.



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