Stephanie Moy Post#1

May 16, 2023

Group Speech Presentation! 


      So During our first presentation last Tuesday, we learned exciting information about each group's presentation about public speaking. So the Professor gave us this opportunity of assignment to present and slowly get out of our confront zone in presenting and publically speaking with others in various ways. This course has been outstanding in helping each other and breaking the ice between the groups. 

"Speech is power: speech is to persuade, convert, and compel."
-Ralph Waldo Emerson

      I enjoy researching and learning about various speech formats and public speaking techniques. Giving speeches is difficult for me since I occasionally get anxious before giving an address in front of numerous people. But thanks to the great PowerPoint presentations made by the presenters, I learned the kinds of displays for special occasions, tips for creating a better speech, strategies for dealing with nerves, and most importantly, how to capture people's attention and more. Apeople'sthis was the first time we presented in this class, and everyone did fantastically. Each was given distinctively with in-depth information and educated details. As well, regarding speech, numerous valuable guidelines and ideas were learned. It requires a unique set of skills to be a great presenter, as those skills will develop over time and be perfected by practicing every time. 

"Don't let the fear of striking out hold you back." 
— Babe Ruth

    Everyone was helping each other out. I particularly liked every person's slides in the actual PowerPoint presentations, which were quite fun. Numerous images and videos were present. Each of the additional graphics had a connection to the themes and subjects. Which was very helpful for me since I'm a visual learner. I was more receptive to truly comprehending what each idea meant because everyone was well-versed in their chapters and was familiar with all the information on their slides. Apart from that, many of us, including myself, were clearly anxious; I could tell. I was concerned about how I came across and how my listeners would react to me. Not being able to capture my audience and being boring is a big NONO to the audience and is the last thing anyone wants to do. I expected to be less anxious since it was in a Zoom meeting instead of a large crowd of people in person, but still, I felt sick and tense. Fortunately, our Professor was great; she engaged the presenter in conversation during the presentation, complimenting them on our work and encouraging each other. That helps us have positive feedback and feel better about ourselves. I also appreciated how the two class leaders spoke after each group presented. They had fantastic short intros and conclusions to open and close each presentation with the right note.  

            GROUP 1

    To start with, the group 1 presentation excellently covered topics 1-4, such as planning and creating your first presentation and comprehending your topic and audience. The chapters also cover other exciting topics, such as interacting with a speaker and overcoming presentation anxiety. As for myself, I relate and found it interesting how people tend to get nervous before presenting. Taking notes I found really helpful, and I will consider the tips and strategies for my own benefit in my presentations. Additionally, the group 1 PowerPoint slides were concise, easy to understand, and had just the proper amount of information about their subject. Overall, I believe they did an excellent job holding the audience's interest, thanks to how effective and attractive those visual aids were. For example, using a video of Kennedy's speech to illustrate the origins of rhetoric was a brilliant way to illustrate their points of public speaking as one of the best speeches made in history. This group really out stand in their presentation in their own way.

                                           Group 2
                                       Additionally, Group 2 had chapters 5 through 9. This group had many essential key points of public speaking in delivering a persuasive speech. In their presentations, they stressed the value of research while compiling data from many sources and assembling it into a presentation.  Also, they mention Wikipedia isn't a good source of information, and they offered alternate websites for further investigation. Due to that is important to have educated and reliable websites. The significance of being organized while presenting was also a significant issue that was covered because it aids the audience in understanding your presentation. One of the essential topics discussed in this chapter was how to use your voice, as whatever you portray, your audience will understand and find interesting. 

    Moreover, it's crucial to keep your audience engaged by using relatable examples and engaging subject matter that you are aware will draw them in. To be straightforward and avoid becoming monotonous, a presentation should include short essential points and ideas, but some slides had too much information. Aside from that, I agreed with all of their comments and thought several of them were quite intriguing. They performed well as a group, and I am confident they will excel.

“ Speech has power. Words do not fade. What starts out as a sound, ends in a deed.” 
- Abraham Joshua Herschel

                       GROUP 3
     Lastly, Group 3, which includes my group, that makes the final presentation. Chapters 10–12 and the Appendix were completed by my group. Each group member successfully covered the key points in each chapter and the Appendix. Some areas include informing audiences, delivering persuasive arguments, speaking at special events, and lastly, the Appendix, which outlines how to present as a team. And it was the part I was able to do with the other 2 classmates that we divided the work. In the end, I am pleased with how our presentation came out, and we worked together as a team to make this presentation successful, even though we were nervous about messing up some information. 


   To sum it up, my experience was both appealing and enjoyable after the whole presentation day. Everyone put a lot of effort into noting key ideas and suggestions for the presentation speech, and their presentations were all well done. I like hearing what others say about each chapter because I pick up new information and improve my speaking ability by listening to others discuss each chapter in detail. I didn't have any criticisms for the presentations made by any group, and they all did fantastic work for their debuts. Ultimately, it was a good experience; I acknowledged and absorbed new material with excellent speeches and inventive presentations from each group. I am proud of myself for conquering my fear of nervousness in my presentation. Upon fulfillment, we all had terrific grades, and all groups worked smoothly.  


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