Migdony Romero Blog Post #1

 Name: Migdony Romero 

Date: 5/22/2023

Blog Post #1

    When you make a speech during class time, it is interesting how I learn how to make a proper speech, and there are many different ways to present it. I like to learn and study more about all the different types of speeches and how to be better at delivering a speech. I know that speech is a challenging thing for me because sometimes I do feel occasionally nervous when I start my presentation and make a speech. Sometimes I could mess up a word or need help remembering what to say. It happened when I wrote something too many words on my PowerPoint or paper. It could affect my memories, and I can rehearse my speech and read my PowerPoint or paper multiple times, but it can be too much to remember or cramp too much information in my brain. Luckily I just learned something very interesting about speeches, the type of special occasion presentations, ways to improve my speech, and most importantly, to impress my audience.  

    So on May 16, 2023, I was listening and watching my classmates' presentation about all of the chapters about improving speech credibility. There are many good tips and concepts about speech, presentations, overcoming the fear of presenting, catalog of the advantages and drawbacks of being a speaker. Back then, when I was a child at my elementary school, I had to write down my science project to present to my teacher and classmates. I have to use paper for the presentation. Now everything is changing; technology is becoming more advance than before. I can use Zoom meetings, PowerPoint, Google Slides, and Word documents for my presentation speech. It is more comfortable and beneficial. There are many opportunities and great accessibility to use technology. I can be more creative with presentations and edit new things from PowerPoint or Word documents to make my speech feel better, engaging, and inspired. 

    I learned much about speech in each group presentation on the day of the first presentation in my class. What I learned from the first group is the topics in chapters  1-4, which are primarily about how to prepare a presentation. After that, I found some exciting things and thought about Chapters 1-5. I learned about the worst-case scenario during a speech presentation, why studying public speaking is essential, What topics I should talk about, why public speaking is a unique form of communication, and analyzing the audience. There are some concepts I have already learned or heard about reducing my fear of public speaking, what topic I should pick and talk about, how to start my presentation, and how to analyze my audience and focus on myself. That doesn't mean that I already know some important things; I like how the first group explained more and expanded on the chapters that were shown in more detail about each. My favorite part of the first presentation is analyzing the audience. I like that specific topic of the presentation because I need to understand and observe the audience. The audience needs to grab my attention during my presentation, and I want the public to understand my topic and evaluate my speaking skills. 

    I also liked the second group's presentation in chapters 5-9. Most chapters are based on selecting and arranging content. These chapters have concepts of finding information and supporting ideas, organizing and outlining the presentation, delivering speeches, and choosing words. Chapters 5-9 have beneficial details that can improve many things with my presentation before making my speech. The important thing before starting the presentation and making the speech is to create the outline and organize my topic. The second group's presentation made me think more about my upcoming speech presentation or any presentation I might use for my future class or career. I need to choose my word carefully to use for my topic. Some words can be easy to say or hard to pronounce. Memorizing many words is challenging because I need to remember how to say the word correctly, avoid exaggeration and oversimplification, and use simple words. My goal is to need my audience to understand what I am saying and use my eye contact to hold the audience's attention. I enjoyed the second group's presentation; it had great information and helpful tips. 

    The last presentation is for group 3, which is my group. My group did Chapters 10-12 and Appendix. I did my part in the presentation and talked about "What are the types of special Occasion Presentations?" in chapter 12. Then, I need to talk about the nine types of special occasion presentations. Those types of presentations are welcome, pay tribute, introduce, nominate, dedicate, commemorate, farewell, recognition, and entertain. My group did well with the essential topics in each chapter and Appendix. Some topics are helpful for me, like presenting to inform, presenting persuasive messages, speaking on special occasions, and finally, the Appendix, which explains how to work and present as a group. I was very intrigued by these chapters; I want to build on my skill by working in a group and understanding the importance of informative and persuasive presentations. My major is computer engineering; my work field needs extra assistance from other workers or teams with the project. I liked this presentation because it made me think more about communication with my team or group and talking to people in a clear and professional speaking situation. 

    After the entire presentation was over, my experience was entertaining and fascinating. I think everyone's presentation was well done, and put a lot of effort into marking down important tips and concepts for the presentation speech. I enjoy listening to people talk about each chapter, and I learn new things by watching people explain the details of each chapter and adapt my skill to my speech better. I had nothing negative about each group's presentation except the technical issue with the connection. Sometimes the wifi connection is weak, or a video link sometimes works or does not is furious to people. However, it does ruin the presentation's best part and good vibe. After all, it was not a horrible experience, but a good day with great speeches and creative presentations for each group. I was very impressed and apprenticed to my group and others as well. I feel proud of myself. I did an excellent job when I talked about types of special occasion presentations. My eye contact with the audience was good, and I said the word clearly and normally. The best part is after the presentations are over, I know how to do my presentation speech, work in a group, and organize my outline in the best ways possible. 


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