Naymaris Rodriguez Post #1

 Naymaris Rodriguez 

Hi guys:

To tell the truth, I enjoyed all the presentations of the groups, but there is one that caught my attention and aroused my interest. It is about the presentation made about chapter 11: “Presenting Persuasive Message”. More than anything, I think it was because the subject fascinates me. Persuasion is an art, a strategy, because the goal is to convince a group of people about something without imposing. In other words, It is trying to convince an audience with your speech and at the same time find the way that the audience accepted what you said.

Basically, there are three elements of persuasions. 

  • Ethos. Start your talk by establishing your credibility and character. Show your audience that you are committed to the welfare of others, and you will gain their trust.
  • Logos. Use data, evidence, and facts to support your pitch.
  • Pathos. People are moved to action by how a speaker makes them feel. Wrap your big idea in a story that will elicit an emotional reaction

 We also have that there are three questions that persuasive speech content address. These are used most frequently in the area of beliefs and attitudes. These are discourses or question of fact, value, and politics. You can argue about what is, what should be, or how it should be. By making any of these types of speeches, you make specific claims that you seek to prove to your audience. You make these claims by the propositions you state. Propositions serve as the thesis statement for your speech. You "prove" your case with facts, logic, appeals to emotion, and your credibility. If the audience accepts your arguments and agrees with the facts, you will be successful. We split the propositions into the three categories because each type requires a different approach when planning your speech. Thus, we have that, the question of facts means that the persuasive presentation uncovers the truth base of fact. Furthermore, we have the question of value, that raises the issues about goodness and badness, right and wrong, enlightenment and ignorance. At last, we have the question of policy that establishes the realm of rules, regulations, and laws. 

In addition, we also have three types of persuasive speeches, these are speech to convince, the speech to inspire, and the speech of actions

-       The speech to convince is a persuasive presentation delivered with the intent of influencing listeners’ beliefs or attitudes

-       The speech to inspire is a persuasive speech with the purpose to influence listeners’ feeling or motivations 

-       The speech of actions is a persuasive speech given for the purpose of influencing listeners’ behaviors and actions 

In all types of speech, and especially in this specific one, a prior analysis of the audience is important. This is a fundamental task in persuasive speech. In other words, we need to know as much as possible about the people we are going to talk to, and in this way predict their likely response to our message. We have to create a close relationship with the audience, and in this way, we can predict certain types of outcomes by the listeners such as: 

Critical response that occurs when the audience focuses on the arguments, evidence, and message

Defensive response that happens when the audience ignore the message to protect existing beliefs, attitudes, and values.

And also, compliance response that will occurs when the audience responds in ways that are socially acceptable.  

It is also important to keep in mind that an effective persuasive presenter will use message production to create, organize, and deliver persuasive appeal. We also, need to be explicit, use argument, testimonial evidence, and specifics numbers.

The use of critical thinking and reasoning empowers our persuasive message in many ways. Reasoning is a mental process of developing our own position on issues. Inductive reasoning involves drawing based on one or more [particular cases, Also, deductive reasoning involves a claim that is based on a universally accepted principle, fact or condition. There are a variety types of arguments that can be advance to express your reasoning arguments about causes and effects, argument form parallel case, generalizations etc.

On the other hand, there are a few things we must avoid in order to be good persuasive speakers and increase our message objective. We must avoid fallacy, is an error in reasoning that weeks and arguments. Fallacies come in many forms, but the more commons are name calling, glittering generality, bandwagon technique, circular reasoning, either/or and post hoc fallacy.

Another thing that we cannot forget is that there are ethical principles that should guide our persuasive speech, such as:

Be careful who you trust

Analyze and evaluate messages for reasonableness truth and benefit to you and the community

You and your message will be more persuasive if you have a long positive history

Always be respectful of your audience

Avoid fallacies

All in all, of all the topics that were presented, this one related to Chapter 11 Persuasive message was one of the ones that most caught my attention. All the content they developed during the exhibitions was super interesting.

There are many things that we have to take into account when developing a good quality persuasive speech. The first thing to take into account are the elements, the questions of persuasive presentations address, the types of persuasive presentations, the important task of audience analysis. Also, we need to recall how important is the use of critical thinking and reasoning the improve and empower our persuasive message. We also need to keep in mind the elements that we must avoid such as the fallacies of reasoning, as well as the knowledge of the ethical principles that should guide our persuasive speech.



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