Samantha Banos

  I truly enjoyed every presentation given and learned a lot. There was not much that I didn’t like about the presentations. I liked how each group added visuals and videos to their PowerPoints. When adding pictures and videos it makes the audience more intrigued in what you are talking about. Group one put together an amazing presentation on how to be comfortable with presenting and delivering speeches.  Choosing an engaging topic is very important to keep the listeners engaged in your presentation. Choosing an engaging topic is vital when giving a speech as it captures the audience's attention and enhances their overall experience. A compelling topic piques curiosity, ignites discussion, and makes a lasting impact.

            To select an engaging topic, consider the interests and preferences of the audience, current trends, and unique perspectives. Once the topic is decided, becoming comfortable with presenting is crucial. Practice the speech repeatedly, focusing on body language, voice modulation, and maintaining eye contact. Visualize success and build confidence.Deep breathing and positive self-talk can alleviate anxiety. Remember, passion for the topic and connecting with the audience will enhance comfort and make the presentation more enjoyable for all.  I loved how one of the students included a video of John F Kennedys “Why go to the Moon” speech. Giving the audience a visual example of a speech that uses roots of rhetoric was really helpful. The only thing I did not really like about group 1 is that one of the students presented in a dark room on their bed. It was hard to be engaged into what she was saying. 

Group twos presentation was my favorite one they did an amazing job portraying their message. They talked about how important it is to do your research on the topic you are giving a speech on and making sure your sources are credible. They also touched on different strategies to outline and organize a presentation which is really helpful. Doing thorough research on the topics you will be presenting is crucial for several reasons. First, it ensures accuracy and credibility, allowing you to provide reliable information to your audience. Second, research expands your knowledge, enabling you to present a well-rounded perspective. To effectively outline and organize your research, start by identifying key points and subtopics. Create a logical flow that supports your main argument or message. Use headings, subheadings, and bullet points to structure your presentation. Ensure a balance between depth and brevity. Additionally, consider incorporating visual aids, such as graphs or charts, to enhance understanding. A well-researched and organized presentation boosts your confidence and leaves a lasting impression on your audience. 

             Group three was the group I was in and I think we did a great job with our presentation. Even though we had some technical difficulties we portrayed our topics really well. We talked about how there is a variety of speeches and how they all serve different types of purposes. Some speeches aim to inform, persuade, and influence the audience. By understanding the type of speech you are giving you can tailor your communication strategies and get your point across. Having a variety of speeches that serve different purposes, such as informing, persuading, or entertaining, is essential for effective communication. Each type of speech requires a tailored approach to achieve specific objectives and engage the audience. Informative speeches aim to educate and provide factual information on a particular topic. When delivering an informative speech, it is crucial to research extensively and present information in a clear and organized manner. 

            Focus on delivering key points, using visual aids if necessary, and ensuring the audience grasps the subject matter. Persuasive speeches, on the other hand, aim to influence and convince the audience to adopt a specific viewpoint or take action. To deliver a persuasive speech effectively, you must understand your target audience and their values, beliefs, and concerns. Tailor your arguments to resonate with their interests and address potential objections. Use rhetorical devices, storytelling, and compelling evidence to make your case and evoke emotional responses. Entertaining speeches focus on captivating and engaging the audience, providing humor, anecdotes, or inspirational stories. These speeches are less formal and aim to entertain while still conveying a message. Utilize humor, personal experiences, and vivid storytelling techniques to create a memorable and enjoyable experience for your listeners.

             To tailor your communication strategies effectively, consider the following factors: audience demographics, cultural context, purpose of the speech, and desired outcome. Analyze your audience's preferences, interests, and knowledge levels to adapt your content, language, and delivery style accordingly. Use appropriate language, tone, and examples that resonate with your specific audience. Remember, versatility in speech types allows you to cater to different situations and connect with diverse audiences effectively. Adapting your communication strategies ensures that your message is compelling, relevant, and resonates with the intended recipients, increasing the impact of your speeches. Overall I loved everyone presentation and learned alot from them. 

              As we come to the end of this series of student speeches, I am filled with a sense of awe and gratitude for the incredible talent and knowledge that has been shared with us. Throughout these presentations, I have witnessed remarkable growth, passion, and an unwavering dedication to the art of public speaking. The lessons I have learned from your speeches on how to be comfortable giving a presentation will undoubtedly stay with me forever. 

   From mastering body language to controlling nervousness, you have provided invaluable insights that will benefit me and countless others.Equally impressive was your commitment to keeping the audience engaged throughout the presentations/ Your creativity in using, l interactive elements in the power points showcased your deep understanding of the topics you were given. By applying various techniques, such as eye contact and incorporating visual aids, you captivated our attention from start to finish. 

               In conclusion each of them taught me lessons about comfort, engagement, and research in public speaking. I am confident that my skills, determination, and passion will continue to get better. Your presentations  were not just informative; they were experiences that left a lasting impact. I must also mention the effort and dedication you demonstrated in the research conducted for your speeches. The depth of knowledge and the accuracy of the information presented was amazing. Your commitment to research ensured that your speeches were not only engaging but also credible. By citing reliable sources, presenting well-structured arguments, and incorporating supporting evidence, you set a high standard for delivering well-informed and persuasive speeches. 



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